The work of House of Hope is totally dependent on
God and our Champions. ​We invite you to schedule a visit to learn more about our program, and take a tour! Please pray about how you can support House of Hope of NC with your time, talents, and treasure.
Attention Donors
Our online donation platform automatically adds a 5% tip to themselves for being a "free" service. Before you check out, click the drop down where it says 5% and choose other and fill in zero before selecting finish.
Please send checks to: PO Box 339, Clayton, NC 27528
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you accept monthly pledges?
Having supporters who make monthly donations that we can rely on is one of our most urgent needs. We can also set up a monthly draft straight from your checking account to relieve you of the hassle of writing a check every month. You can become a monthly donor at any monetary amount.
Can I donate stock or get a matching gift from my employer?
We love stock donations and have a financial planner who will handle the transaction for free. Matching gifts depend on the stipulations of your employer. Please check with your HR department or contact House of Hope for more information on matching gifts. If you would like to talk to someone about finances, a monthly bank draft, stock options, corporate matching gifts, or other ways of giving, please e-mail
Are you a registered non-profit or a church ministry?
House of Hope of NC is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are Christian based but are not affiliated with any one denomination or church. All donations (financial, non-cash, or time) are tax-deductible.
Can I remain anonymous as a donor?
We respect our donors privacy and will not list your name in our publications at your request. Simply write anonymous on your donation card.
Do you receive money from the state or federal government?
No but we would love to! If you know of any money from local, state, or federal government agencies that supports faith based facilities please let us know! More than 70% of our income comes from individual donors and churches in the community.
Can I make a Memorial or Honorarium Gift?
Yes. We send out memorial or honorarium cards to the person or family you would like to recognize. We also list these gifts in our newsletters.
Do you have physical items you need donated?
Yes! Our most frequently needed items are paper goods
(toiletpaper/paper towels), cleaning products, frozen meals, and fresh juice, fruits, & vegetables. All the food at House of Hope is donated by the community. You can bring lunch or dinner already made or donate needed items. Click on the Needs List tab at the top of the page for list.
What other ways can I support House of Hope?
We are always looking to spread the word about House of Hope. Please consider inviting us to speak at your church, Sunday school class, book club, or civic group. You could also host a party at your home to inform and involve your people with spreading the message that "YOU ARE WORTH IT!".